Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Addison is eating new things/Update!
So this seems like a silly post, but our little Addison decided to be somewhat of a picky eater around 18 months old. She ate just about anything when she was first trying foods, but then the Ms. Independent personality trait kicked in and she would have nothing to do with some very basic foods. So within the past 2 days, she has tried and LOVED: grapes, strawberries, bananas, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, quinoa and apples! She is fully potty trained, even at night, and has been sleeping in a big girl bed for 2 weeks now. She is totally cruising on the Skuut bike, she is SO fast and can coast with no feet all the way down the street. She has amazing balance. She is growing up so fast. There are times when I can't wait for her to get older to go shopping, get pedicures and girly stuff like that! But then I try to take this all in and savor every day because before we know it, she'll be 18 and be outta here:) I love this little girl to pieces. I love her spicy personality, her determination and spunk!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Boundary Bay!
Caden's very 1st smores!
Rub a dub dub three boys in the tub!
The men out by the fire.. (it was raining)
Baby Addison
Caden LOVED the beach and looking for shells and jellyfish!
We got to head up to Canada for Labor Day weekend (and then back down because it's technically in Washington!) to Boundary Bay with our good friends the Eyfords and the Jacobs. We had such a great time just hanging out, eating (maybe having some wine), and playing with the kids. We had such a good time on the beach, going for walks, looking for washed up treasures and just spending some quality time with our friends! Here are a few highlights..
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Oh how I love this little girl!
Mommy and Addison (10 months)
Our happy girl after her bath (which she loves!)
I had to throw this one in there, this is how I found her ASLEEP in her crib! I hate that she loves her crib:( She won't sleep with us, she wants her own space. So weird since Caden was the opposite!
Digging in the shoe bin!
Addison is now almost 10 months old and is so much fun! She is such a happy baby.. She finally has 2 bottom teeth and the top 2 are working their way through. She LOVES shoes.. She is so happy, loving and so easy. Hard to imagine loving something as much as we love our kids. She loves her daddy to pieces, and already she has him wrapped around her finger. She is very independent and likes to do things on her own. Here are some pics of our happy girl:)
Friday, September 25, 2009
We love where we live!
Have I mentioned how much we love our neighborhood? It's the best. It's called Queen Anne Hill and it's right downtown Seattle. Such a great community! There is a great 3 mile loop that we run. Caden can now (at 4 years old) ride the whole thing. This picture is from Kerry Park. SO BEAUTIFUL!! Sadly we will only be up here through Dec 2010 then it's back down to Bonney Lake we go:(
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
First Day of Preschool! (year #2)
Proud little guy outside his preschool on the 1st day.
Caden 3 1/2, Addison 9 months
Since we moved back to Queen Anne, we had to find Caden a new school. Little Friends is a great preschool within walking distance. We weren't sure how the afternoon program would work out (he goes M thru TH from 1:30-4) since he was still napping when the school year began, but he adjusted wonderfully and loves his new school! I miss him like crazy when he is gone. He is such my little buddy.. Seriously, how cute is he!! Wow, I love this kid.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Caden enjoying some relaxing time in the pool!
Fun times with Nana and Papa
My little water baby!
He loved painting the leaves
Papa Great and Addison
What a special trip to Sun River... We had a great time enjoying the outdoors, playing cards, making yummy food and just relaxing! The kids did so good for the 8 hour drive. We almost ran out of gas in the middle of the night, no cell phone service, not a soul in site. It FREAKED me out! But thankfully we made it to a gas station on fumes. Adam said he wasn't worried, but I beg to differ! Fun memories made on this great trip!
Friday, September 4, 2009
The men by the fire (in the rain!)
Shannon and the kids- Caden's first smores!
Baby Addison
Caden loved looking for jellyfish, sea shells and other treasures:)
We had such a fun trip up to Boundary Bay for Labor Day weekend with our wonderful friends the Eyfords and the Jacobs! You go up to Canada, then back down to Washington. The Eyfords have a wonderful beach cabin and we had a great weekend just being with friends! The kids played, we ate great food (and maybe some wine), searched for treasure on the beach. Such a fun weekend with memories made and lots of laughs! Thanks friends!!
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