I love this picture. Caden adores his daddy!
Lucy giving a full face kiss
Already helping mommy shop!

The Cota's!
Lucy is always close by making sure Caden is OK

Love this smile..
Teething on a baseball
Mommy and Caden at the pumpkin patch
Little Frog!
Bathtime with Drew
I got a new Nikon camera for my birthday so I am hoping to take lots of great pictures! Caden still continues to grow and be such a joy.. Sleeping is still a struggle, but he is so healthy and happy! He was a frog for his first Halloween, but got a little cold and wasn't feeling good so he didn't even wear the costume on Halloween! The Cota's came to visit and so did the Garfields. You LOVE Lucy and she always makes you smile. Grandma and Grandpa and Nick and Adrienne came up for Thanksgiving so that was special. You absolutely HATE riding in the car, but if I let you watch Elmo on the little DVD player it makes you a little happier:) Caden got some teeth this fall! His top right came in first on Sept 4th 2006 at 5 months old, and a week later the left top tooth came through! Still just nursing, we tried some oatmeal and babyfood and he wanted nothing to do with it! At 9 months he weighs 22lbs and 15 oz and is 29inches long!